Tuesday, September 10, 2013

This is not an exit

snapback - RVCA, shirt - Forever 21 Men's, shorts - Old Navy,
high-knee socks - Urban Outfitters, shoes - NIKE, ring - gift from a friend

I own seven snapbacks but don't wear them often. I've grown to wear them proudly because they're comfortable and have unique design. I got up a little earlier than usual today although it took me about three hours to fall asleep. I start to feel anxious as I'm trying to sleep and it's been a problem for the past month. I've been keeping busy and trying to find things to do outside the house. My mom and I walked at the park/lake nearby our house for an hour and afterwards we went to the flea market. It rained for a good thirty minutes outside. Mom and I picked up fresh fruits and vegetables. I ordered fresh Thai papaya salad from my favorite food booth. A new employee from Laos made it and it was absolutely delicious although I wish the taste was more refreshing!

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